Your website visitors are on the move. Make sure your website goes with them.
“Why can’t I see my website on my phone?”
We hear that all the time.
Building websites used to be simple; Everyone had a computer to “surf the Net” and that was it. Times have changed – drastically – in the past few years. Now the majority of people surfing that same Net are on smartphones and tablets. And the research is incredible; Visitors try a website and if they’re not gratified in less than five seconds, they abort. If they’re on their phone, they simply don’t have time to deal with slow-loading sites, with tiny menus and text, or the annoying need to use reading glasses to simply find a button.
As of April, 2015, Google changed the way it ranks and grades websites. If your website is not mobile friendly and in compliant with their standards, they will penalize your site and rank it lower. All true. We build all of our websites to be Google compliant.
The majority of website visitors are now looking at sites on mobile devices. And those devices come in all shapes and sizes; iPhones, Androids, tablets, even watches and molded cards. People want to experience the Internet right away and in a clean, large viewport, in which they can easily navigate.
Most websites don’t operate properly on mobile devices. They “break” or have to be manipulated – to where the visitor has to use their zoom features or navigate around a clunky menu system. Santa Clarita Website Design fixes this problem by designing our websites to be “responsive.” This means constructing a website that is formatted perfectly for any computer or mobile device your visitor may be using. A “responsive” site means we don’t “squish” your website down to fit the phone, we strategically design the site so that it is optimized, no matter what the screen size. The transition is seamless and doesn’t require your visitors to “click here for the mobile version.” Need an example? Look at this very site you’re viewing now from a phone!
Already have a website but it’s not mobile-friendly? We offer “retro-fitting” services for your website so that you’re back in business on phones and tablets. The process takes a lot less labor than re-building an entire site. Contact Us today about this service.